Home > Ranjana Speaks > On… Like minded people…… and comfort zones – An important thought by Ranjana Kanti

On… Like minded people…… and comfort zones – An important thought by Ranjana Kanti

I was provoked into thinking about the subject in terms of comparisons of achievements. Some of the members of India Redefined,a Citizen’s Empowerment movement which I started last year pointed out to me that some of the appointed coordinators do not have the background to justify, in comparison to my own history of accomplishments in social service.
Firstly, some or all of us, have at some stage of our lives felt content by our own achievements (even if it was a temporary feeling) and for even smaller reasons. Our egos permit us, that sense of achievement and even give us the benefit of comparing this with lesser mortals who have not put in adequate efforts. I pose this question, as to whom do you think is in a better position to contribute – the person who has achieved something and is “content”, or the person who has not tried at all?
In my opinion, for the good of the nation and India Redefined, in particular, the latter brackets of people are more suitable candidates for induction, contribution and growth. A person who does not have the feeling of achievement, at least looks forward to an opportunity to accomplish something. A person who has “been there, done that” has a sense of contentment, which gives him the feeling of a comfort zone, which does not motivate a real solution finder.
Another class of associations that we have been building up life long has been with “Like Minded People”. We always warm up to like minded people, be it in our professional lives, personal lives, seeking friendships, in religion, caste, color, state….you name it. We find our own comfort zones to remain content. Like minded people form and participate in political parties – be it Congress or BJP or Samajwadi. Like minded people follow a particular religion – Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity or any other. Like minded people get together to start an enterprise or business or an NGO. While it is good and even important for like minded people to come together in pursuit of an objective – we often stop respecting the other like minded people and their objectives, and sometimes even oppose the views of the others just because they belong to other group of “Like Minded People”. Don’t we often see that one political party opposing all that is being espoused by the other political party, irrespective of the validity or correctness of the issue or action? This is a typical example of “Like-minded thinking” of one group dividing people rather than uniting people. History is replete with examples in our nation formation, from Raja’s choosing like minded people as their minions, to state’s being formed on this principle….and now also being further subdivided, seeking the same lines of justification!
It is time for us to think about the whole nation as a set of different-minded people, who want to do something positive to build this nation, with unity. We need to seek and build on this principle of unity in diversity. No longer can we think in terms of religion, caste, creed as divisive factors. Just because we speak same language and have similar food, does not mean people speaking a different language or having a different cuisine need to be opposed, made fun of or not respected. “Unity in Diversity” is what India is and what we should be accepting to make India a great nation to be proud of. We need to search for a commonality, goodness and unifying activities that can get us on a common platform of nation building. Let us get out of that comfort zone of being with like minded people and think of ways that can unite all of us with a common goal and agenda. The unity of our participants, should be a mind-changing and behavioral change, which can achieve a common goal.
I was a person who did something for the country and felt content about it, thinking that I had done my bit. I have seen the change in perception, after getting out of my comfort zone, in starting this movement which will take us to a newer horizon, with the combined efforts of all. Let it not be a dream shared by a few, but an effort, determined by all India Redefined participants, in driving our destiny, as a nation. Let us get out of our comfort zones………..and find not just like-minded people, but interact with all towards our brighter future with anyone irrespective of any ideology, philosophy, political, regional or religious affiliations. India Redefined asks to fulfill ISR-Individual Social Responsibility.

Categories: Ranjana Speaks
  1. Jal
    October 14, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    India is full of chattering classes. I have set up a website at IDEAINDIA.COM to try to publish writings by South Asians that might not get published elsewhere.

  2. Mayank
    September 15, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Very humbly may i request u proffessionals that plz put the proper map/picture of our motherland India. The pic u ppl. showing on the web page looks like distorted (kata,fata) first plz. define the map properly then find time to define our country……. i m with u for any good cause.

    • September 15, 2010 at 11:46 am

      INDIA Redefined Logo explanation

      The Logo here shown represents several dimensions of Indian Culture. Visually, it makes the shape of the Indian subcontinent – Kings have come and ruled, battles have been fought and won, cities have been built and rebuilt, borders have been shifted but the geographical shape of India never changed. Even from space, one can recognize India by seeing the shape of Indian peninsula in the Asian Continent. Thus, the peninsula is not only a beautiful landmass but an identity for India and its history. However progress and development goes hand in hand with ‘change’. Thus by not completing the outline of the country, the openness signifies free flow of ideas, possibilities and opportunities.

      India Redefined http://www.indiaredefined-a4c.org Logo aesthetically amalgamates various Indian languages with the most widely used language in the world, English. The “र“ part of the symbol corresponds to the letter ‘R’ in English and also appears in Hindi, Gujarati, Assamese etc emphasizing on the ‘REDEFINING’. The Logo can be written quickly and easily in a single stroke. Thus the symbol also represents the multilingual and diverse nature of India.

      The text style “INDIA Redefined” also accentuates the meaning of the logo. While “INDIA” is written in bold & formal font, denoting our country’s standing through ages with its traditions and culture, “Redefined” is curvy and informal shows flexibility to change and readiness for progress.C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop

    • June 9, 2011 at 11:37 am

      “Don’t leave governance to the people who are not our representatives, don’t leave Policy to the people who do not feel they are accountable to us, and don’t leave all the other problems like literacy, slums, environment etc to NGOs and social workers who struggle without Citizen’s support”

      Best Humanitarian Initiative 2009 award winner INDIA Redefined is a non political Citizen’s Empowerment movement has brought together common people working for the country on one platform. The mission is to empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioural change in the masses towards discharging their responsibilities and exercising their rights which are constitutional, societal and social.

      All over world the Govt. sector, corporate sector, NGO sector are working but INDIA Redefined is bringing the fourth sector i.e. Common people working for country on one platform . That too in masses!. Common people till now have only come together if they are against something ; e.g All Independence movements, Movements against corruption, they have never come on one platform to work for country and then empowering themselves.

      In pursuance of the above stated objective, INDIA Redefined is inviting applications from committed individuals for the posts of State Coordinators in States all over the country, City Coordinators in all Cities, Student State Coordinators and Student Coordinators from individual Universities/Colleges/Areas.

      The application should:
      1. Specify the Post for which you are applying
      2. Consist the answer to as to why you want to join the INDIA Redefined movement

      All applications should be mailed to the email address indiaredefined@gmail.com and youth4change@indiaredefined.org before June 18, 2011. Since we aim to form working committees within individual states as soon as possible, no application after the given date will be considered.

      Also apply for internship of INDIA Redefined at ranjanakantiindiaredefined-a4c.org


      INDIA Redefined merchandise (Store) Buy Sweatshirt,T-shirt,Mug,Poster,Chocolate,Teddybear,Cap,Apron,Coaster,Tiffinbox,Mousepad,Sipper,SchoolBag,Keychain,PencilBox,Sticker,Canvas

      If you are willing to mentor ten semi illiterate Indians then JOIN INDIA Redefinedwww.indiaredefined.org C.U.R.E INDIA Campaign – Citizen United for Redefining & Empowering. “Ek Ka Dus” is the first Initiative of C.U.R.E. India Campaign. Make a difference in the lives of ten underprivileged Indians and let them become your follower.

      India Redefined Initiatives -“I Care” ,”Educate India”, “Develop your own village”, “Cure India” , “Youth Campaign-Clean, Green, United, Peaceful India”

      You can see my interview aired in 2 parts on ETV Urdu on 19th and 26th April in the programme “Ham Badlenge Desh Badlega”

      Part 1 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL6xfpbaiKk&feature=related (Aired on 19th April 2011)

      Part 2 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yn4n_IsABuk (Aired on 26th April 2011)

      Many INDIA Redefined Supporters have put their INDIA Redefined badges on their facebook and other social networking sites.Those who do not have INDIA Redefined Badge with them, Please send us your pic on ranjanakanti@indiaredefined.org, so that we can make your INDIA Redefined badge , which will be sent to you on your mail and you can put it on your facebook and other social networking sites.

      Do some event under IR banner which can be downloaded from website.
      Help in finding IT people for making IR Portal.
      Make more and more People join this movement IR. Spread the message through media, speeches, mails etc.
      Read everything on website once again and Talk to me once at 9004188844

      Ranjana Kanti
      INDIA Redefined
      Ph : +91 9004188844

      INDIA Redefined is asking for ISR Individual Social Responsibi

      Create an India of tomorrow which is
      · Awakened, informed and educated
      · Clean, green and sustainable
      · Healthy, prosperous and happy

      Empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioral change in the masses towards discharging their Responsibilities and exercising their Rights, which are:
      · Constitutional
      · Social
      · Societal

  3. dr alpana
    August 8, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    We just need little bit of honesty in everything we do.And if we are passionate about india we will emerge winners in all the fields.

  4. dr alpana
    August 8, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    Amazing if we all indians r so passionate about india we will reach at top of the world soon.

  5. August 1, 2010 at 5:24 am

    Killing thru encounter is better than giving punishment to a known culprit thru endless laws of justice thru courts where govt has to spend hughe money to provide security and defence cousel to culprit. Little bit of Talibanism is required in our society to make it safe as crimes have increased. We need to think and debate more.

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